Shushan TcherkezianAbstract
“So dear to the hearts of Armenian families, this traditional pumpkin dish symbolises ‘a sweet life’ and is commonly cooked in a tonir and served at weddings and New Year. It’s lowered in a wire basket to sit suspended over the coals once the vegetables and meat have cooked in the heat of the oven. The way it’s served is pure food theatre – the whole pumpkin is cut down the sides, to open up like the petals of a flower, and a waft of fragrant honeyed steam makes everyone excited. When Shushan’s husband, George, took a trip back to Armenia, he was so inspired by the taste of the bread and meat cooked in a tonir that he decided he would build a tonir in his backyard in Australia as soon as he returned. They tried it in several places in the garden before settling on where it is now located. The first time they ‘christened’ the tonir was the day that Shushan went into labour with her son, so no-one will ever forget that day!” Maeve O'Meara, Food Safari Fire