Brioche is a rich, buttery yeasted bread. I like to make the most of its buttery nature as a base in my Bread ’n’ Butter Pudding (see recipe on this site), where it transforms a classic comfort food from my childhood into an elegant dessert. This recipe makes a good amount of brioche, but I’m sure you’ll find a use for it (and if not just store a loaf in the freezer).
Level of difficulty confident chef
Season All year round
First proving (standing) standing time 2 hours
Second proving (chilling) time minimum 3 hours to maximum 24 hours
Third proving (standing) time 40 minutes
Featured as part of our Cooks and their Books series.
Level of difficulty confident chef
Season All year round
First proving (standing) standing time 2 hours
Second proving (chilling) time minimum 3 hours to maximum 24 hours
Third proving (standing) time 40 minutes
Featured as part of our Cooks and their Books series.