It is one of Italy’s most famous dishes, yet its origins remain in dispute, and continue to cause debate between northeners and southerners. The name of this cheesy eggplant bake infers that it is cooked "Parma-style" and therefore hails from the Emilia-Romagna region in the north. ‘Alla parmigiana’ also refers to Parma’s most famous cheese, parmesan, which is often included in the dish. However, the recipe is just as often dubbed a southern creation due to its abundant use of eggplant. Cookbook authors Mary Taylor Simeti and the late Vincent Schiavelli suggest the name actually stems from the Sicilian word palmigiana, which means "louvred shutters", thought to resemble the layered eggplant slices. You can serve this dish in small slices as a side, or as a vegetarian main with a salad.